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Purina Supercoat Adult Dry Dog Food - 8kg

Rs. 2,080.00 Rs. 1,975.00 Save 5% Sold out
PatternName: Supercoat Dog Food


  • PURINA SUPERCOAT Adult dog food from Nestlé
  • Australia’s #1 dry dog food brand now in India
  • Tailored nutrition for your dog’s overall health to bring out his active best
  • Builds his strong muscle with protein-rich diet
  • Develops his shiny coat & healthy skin with Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids
  • Enhances his immune protection with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
  • Keeps his digestive system healthy with natural fibre
  • Suited for all adult dog breeds like Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, Beagle, Pug, and others
  • Natural - Contains no artificial colors and flavors
  • Contains Min. 23% Protein and Min. 10% Fat

Details: SUPERCOAT is developed by Nestlé Purina experts with 120 years of expertise in pet nutrition. It provides tailored nutrition with precise combination of quality natural ingredients to bring out your dog’s whole body health – both inside & outside. SUPERCOAT Adult is specially designed for adult dogs (+1 years). It is a protein rich formula to maintain your dog’s muscle health, contains essential vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants to enhance his immunity response; natural fiber to keep his digestive system healthy & omega 3 & 6 fatty acids to develop his healthy skin and shiny coat. SUPERCOAT Adult comes with a delicious taste so that your dog enjoys his nutritious meal. Warning Statement- Please allow 7-10 days to transition from their current food. This enables your dog’s digestive enzymes to gradually adapt to the change in ingredient and nutritional content, assisting with the proper digestion of the food and helping prevent stomach upsets. Storage- PLEASE STORE THIS PACK IN A COOL, DRY PLACE, OUT OF THE SUN.

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