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Pala Mountains My Beau Dog Supplement - 300ml

Rs. 1,375.00 Rs. 1,230.00 Save 11% Sold out


  • A unique blend of omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids
  • Quality high absorption rates (99. 5 percent absorption rates)
  • My beau supplement for dog is dual benefit product, it drastically improves the digestion of your dog and provides it a healthy and lustrous coat

PartNumber: B17

Details: A unique blend of omega 3 and; 6 essential fatty acids. Quality / high absorption rates (99.5 percent absorption rates). My Beau Supplement for dog is dual benefit product; it drastically improves the digestion of your dog and provides it a healthy and lustrous coat. The product also increases immunity to fight common diseases. The supplement can be given along with food or straight up to your dog and it gets absorbed into the bloodstream directly.

EAN: 9421012725049

Model: B17

Binding: Misc.

Item Condition: New

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